5 Tips to Take Care of Your Jewelry the Smart Way
If you own a family heirloom or have made a recent purchase and added it to your collection of gold or silver jewelry, you will be needed to take extra care of it to keep its newness intact. The metals and types of jewelry items are required to be taken care of in different ways. You do not need to take care of your pearl earrings the same way you will be taking care of your gold rings. Here are some general yet amazingly helpful tips to keep your jewelry as good as new:
Keep it Safe:
Your jewelry items are of no use if they are not in a condition to be shown to the world. You must take care of them while you are wearing them. For example:
- Keep each jewelry item dry because water strains can make them lose shine.
- Keep them away from chemicals that are in lotions, perfumes, or other body care products.
- To keep them safe from chemicals, wear them at the end and take them off instantly the moment you reach home.
- Do not wear the same jewelry item over and over. Keep changing them more often.
- Remove them while doing swimming, gardening, cleaning, doing dishes, or any other such work.
How to Store Your Jewelry:
The way you store your jewelry items plays a key role in maintaining their shine and finishing. Make sure to clean them because they are likely to absorb moisture and get dirty if you wear them all day long. Do not store them in wooden jewelry boxes because it can get them stained. The best place to store jewelry is the box where the air is less likely to get in. Try to increase your storage space and put different materials separately. If you are traveling, carry all the jewelry items in a case.
Cleaning Your Jewelry:
There are a lot of DIY tutorials available that can help you clean your jewelry items. You need to pick the tips and tricks that will work for your jewelry items. Ultrasonic cleaners are the best way to get the dirt off your jewels. The ultrasonic waves travel through the cleaning solution. It creates heat and pressure which helps in cleaning the dirt. It cleans the parts of jewelry that are hard to get to.
Go to a Professional:
At times, even ultrasonic cleaners fail to clean your jewelry the way you want. If it is intricately designed, you are likely to get them scratched or can even end up losing a stone or gem from it. In all such scenarios, do seek professional help to get the optimum condition of your jewelry back. Get the broken pieces repaired, scratches removed, etc. and our jewelry will be as good as new all over again.
Take Care of Your Jewelry as Required:
Each jewelry item needs to be taken care of separately. For example:
Necklaces: avoid layering necklaces, they can scratch each other. Double-check to see if the necklace is secured and tightly closed. Try not to wear long ones because they are likely to get tangled and broken.
Bracelets: avoid wearing too many bracelets at a time. Since our hands are constantly working, bracelets are more likely to get dirty, choose simple designs to avoid these issues. It is better to store them freely in a drawer.
Earrings: they are light in weight and can fall off without being noticed, make sure to double-check them when you put them on. Store them in a hanging position; it will keep their newness intact.
Make sure to take care of your fashion accessories for them to last for longer durations.